Honest Opinions

Anonymized Opinions

Arriving Soon.

We’re here to do the following:

  • Provide renters a voice.
  • Direct renters to resources.
  • Create a public record.
  • Anonymize records
    • All identifiable data will be deleted immediately after confirmation of residence. We don’t want manipulated data, just honest.
    • Records can be published with timely warnings to others, delayed publishing, and private tracking for future publishing or formal complaint.
    • We will discourage surveys which cannot be anonymous and may cause retaliation.
  • Identify bad actors
    • Fill out surveys to identify discrimination in housing.
    • Identify and track repeat scammers and predators.
  • Feedback loop
    • It’s a one way conversation with the property manager.
    • We want to be the community of many having a one way conversation with property managers.